Individual & group classes
With 12 different sporting activities you would have trouble choosing!
In terms of physical preparation, we offer different types of courses to help you achieve your goals:
- weight loss
- weight gain
- stress management
- improved flexibility and balance
- preservation of cardiovascular risks
- preparation of a sporting challenge
Some activities are full of energy; others are more confidential and call for calm and absolute serenity.

Well being

Physical condition + body awareness
Flexibility and well-being activities: for smooth improvement of your physical condition while developing your proprioception (body consciousness) by combining movement and breathing.
All these courses offered by our qualified physical trainers will give you a feeling of well-being.


Martial art
Always with innovative spirit, Vincen Trainer develops for you the latest trends in Fightclub combat, Muay Thai Init and proposes new training concepts to make you more dynamic and efficient.


Cardio-vascular system longevity
They help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and anxiety.
The courses ,supervised by qualified coaches, limits weight gain and improves respiratory functions.


Overall strengthening of the body
Develop your muscles in a harmonious way.
These classes promote coordination, body maintenance or reduction of fat mass.
Would you like to work on your abdominal muscles, biceps, back or legs? Accompanied by our coaches, discover the Bodystrength.


Complete and varied training
Exceed your limits through the advice of your coach and the emulation of a group. Exit your comfort zone with our training courses: Metahigh Cession, Vincent-Bootcamp, Urban Training or TRX. Training becomes simpler, safer, and more effective.